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There are no hidden secrets in design, just innovation.

meaning you don’t need to invent the wheel, but also you shouldn't buy a Lamborghini just to go to the grocery store. Coming up with cost effective yet creative ideas is the key. There is always a middle ground, and for me it’s the best ground to have fun on. It’s safe and balanced!

when the average user visits your website, they don’t care if you used React, angular, flutter or any other JS framework. Most of them probably don’t even know what JS is or what it stand’s for. They care about performance, functionality, usability and visuality. In summary, what matters is mostly user experience.

There are times that an old simple designs is much more beneficial than a complicated “modern” one. For example compare the Google search with and it’s weird design, both almost do the same job, but one brings you comfort and simplicity and the other one dumps a page full of unwanted news and ads on you.

Trends are like products, they deprecate, but innovation is the factory, it can be timeless. it lets you to come up with ideas beyond trends and limitations, and that’s what makes you, your work and your brand, UNIQUE.
